Entries from 2019-08-01 to 1 month

How To Sell Indoor Playground Equipment

Both have their own benefits and dis-advantages. It is up to you that which one you prefer to your children. But one thing is for sure your children will enjoy a lot spending time in the park gear, whether it's indoor or outdoor. Indoor eq…

Nine Things Your Mom Should Have Taught You About Indoor Playground Business

Thinking about starting your own indoor playground business? The process is simplier than you may think and you have picked the right time to perform it. Indoor Playgrounds are becoming the latest"big thing" which are rapidly spreading acr…

4 Must-haves Before Embarking On Indoor Playground

Do you want to start an indoor playground business, but have no idea where to start? Here at Indoor Playgrounds Internationalwe not only provide custom indoor playgrounds to separate operators, but our sister company, Luv two Play, offers …

How To Teach Indoor Playground

If you reside in an area such as we do in Western New York (we're in Rochester!) With beautifully warm summers and cold snowy winters, you'll understand your choices for your kid's birthday party are largely dependent on the weather.As an …

3 Places To Look For A VR Games

Throughout the previous few years, we've seen a plethora of news posts about how virtual reality was about to save the timeless arcade. The theory goes that the VR indoor playground equipment is too expensive for home users, therefore it c…