How To Sell Indoor Playground Equipment

arcade gameBoth have their own benefits and dis-advantages. It is up to you that which one you prefer to your children. But one thing is for sure your children will enjoy a lot spending time in the park gear, whether it's indoor or outdoor. Indoor equipment includes indoor slides, climbing decks, indoor tubes such as crawling, etc.. On the flip side, outdoor equipment includes swing set, seesaw, merry-go-round, chin-up bars, jungle gym, overhead ladder, etc..

Indoor gear is safer in comparison with the outside equipment. As they're installed in the houses or schools, parents or teachers can have a continuous supervision on these. It will protect them from a serious injury. Unlike it, it may be impossible to always keep an eye on the kids playing in the outdoor places.

On the flip side, outdoor playground provides kids a broad area to play. Kids can appreciate more and may also interact with a range of different kids, which may not be possible with the indoor equipment as the distance is not adequate for a lot of kids.

Indoor equipment will shield the kids from outside hazards such as harmful ultra-violet beams, heavy rains, etc.. On the other hand, if you want to go for the outdoor equipment, make certain to buy an excellent shade structure which will protect the children from these dangers.

It's often seen that kids get accidents by falling out of the equipment. But in the event that you will go for the indoor equipment, there'll be a less possibility that children will get significant harms as such gear usually does not have much height. But should you would like to go for the outdoor equipment, make certain that there should be a proper surfacing. Quality rubberized play mulch will keep your kids safe even when they collapse from the gear.

Now, it's your decision, whether you want to go for indoor park equipment or outdoor playground equipment. But prior to buying any equipment such as play slip, seesaw, exterior wooden benches, indoor slides, etc., make certain to search extensively so as to ensure that you're making a right deal with a right individual.

Nine Things Your Mom Should Have Taught You About Indoor Playground Business

Thinking about starting your own indoor playground business? The process is simplier than you may think and you have picked the right time to perform it. Indoor Playgrounds are becoming the latest"big thing" which are rapidly spreading across the world. Please visit some of our guidelines for opening your brand new park business below.

indoor playground equipmentYou will need to collect Information Regarding your community and basic market data such as:
The demand for an indoor playground in your community
How many children are in your community (typically ages 0-12)?
Can you reside in a community with several tourists?
What does your competition look like? Is there any?
When you have competition, then what do you do to distinguish yourself from the competition?
What will you bill your clients? What are the competitor's charging?
Just how much is it to lease or purchase the space you'll need?
How large of a space do you believe you'll need?
Should you need help with collecting any of the information you may think about a franchise via our partner company Luv two Play. Please contact Luv 2 Play and then fill out the contact form to learn more.
Data Analysis & Business Plan
it's possible to use the data you gathered on your market research so as to compute some quite simple analysis such as your break-even evaluation, startup expenditures, and 3 year projections.
From these analysis you can use this information to create a business plan. If you're planning to attract investors or find a business loan you'll surely need a fantastic business program. Indoor Playgrounds International can assist you with this step of this process if necessary. Most of us recognize that the location can be critical to the success of a new business enterprise. If possible select a high traffic area like near a mall or shopping centre. If you reside in a high tourist spot then pick a place alongside where tourists may come in/out of the town.
If you are looking for a building keep in mind that in case you would like to allow you to play construction tall you need a tall building. To get a three story play construction you'll have to have at least 15 ft of unobstructed height in your construction. Also look for any obstructions from the construction where the drama construction will go. If you'd like electrical soft play on your playground then be sure electricity is likely to the place you need it. Bear in mind every city/town/state is different and the ideal location may vary from place to place.
Design Your Playground
Decided where in your area you want the playground to be. Remember to consider things like party rooms, eating places, areas for sofas or tables & chairs for parents to sit and unwind.
Get a floor plan and/or measurements of your location and get Indoor Playground International to acquire a custom quote. If you have some idea's of theming in mind let us know and we can custom design whatever you want. If you don't have any idea that is okay also. Our professional designer's can come up with some thing you will love.
We will continue to update our design's until they exceed your satisfaction.
should you require help with financing please contact us. We work with a lot of finance companies which could lease the equipment for you so you can free up your cash flow for other regions of your business.
If you're looking for something other than a lease we might have the ability to point you in the ideal direction for that too. Simply contact us and we'll do whatever we can to help.
Ordering & Production
when your layout is finalized you will sign a contract with us and pay your deposit.
Currently the production of your playground will start. We will keep you updated every step of the way while your playground is being manufactured.
Website Preparation
While we are busy distributing and manufacturing your indoor playground you may prepare your website for the installation and opening of your new business. These things can include: interior decorating, staff training and recruitment, and preparing advertisements and promotions.
Inspection & Shipping
Our playgrounds are manufactured in China and you're more than welcome to visit the factory to inspect your final product before shipment. This would also be a great chance for you to receive some free instruction on playground maintenance and assistance.
We'll offer full shipping services door to door to your playground including customs clearance.
Oure crew of specialist playground contractors will come to one place to install your playground soon after arrival of the equipment.


After the grand opening of your new indoor playground, Indoor arcade.9d vr Playgrounds International will continue to provide you superior service and support which contains your product warranty, maintenance support, new product discounts, and some other ideas and tools you might need to continue to conduct a successful business enterprise.

4 Must-haves Before Embarking On Indoor Playground

indoor playgroundDo you want to start an indoor playground business, but have no idea where to start? Here at Indoor Playgrounds Internationalwe not only provide custom indoor playgrounds to separate operators, but our sister company, Luv two Play, offers a turn key franchise solution too! Let us go over the differences of the 2 options.
By going the franchise route, you're not alone on your journey to opening. Our professional and dedicated team is here to assist you every step along the way, beginning with your location. We'll run an extensive market evaluation in your selected area or areas, and find the best match for your Luv two Play brand. Our commercial realtor will start locating possible buildings for your new company, and handle working with the neighborhood realtor on the mandatory steps.
You will be assigned a project supervisor to be your Luv 2 Play liaison for the remaining part of the procedure. After the place is determined and the lease is signed, we will help you locate an architect for the project. We have a partner architect that will bid the job as well. We highly recommend utilizing this asset as he and his staff have worked on a lot of Luv 2 Play locations, making for the smoothest architectural stage. Even though the builder and their staff of engineers will be working on your project, our design staff will start the process of designing your custom indoor park. You will be able to offer feedback in this procedure.
We will also help locate some general contractors to bid your job, including a few who have partnered with us and worked on several places. Your project supervisor will work with your GC to ensure a smooth building period.
Also included with the purchase of your own playground is a start up advertising bundle helping get you ready for grand opening up, theming and signage throughout your area, child sized tables to your celebration rooms, business cards, marketing brochures, and table tent cards, comment pads and comment box, discount cards, artwork for digital menus, stickers, wallpaper mural for back party room partitions, see through window graphics for exterior front windows, first staff clothing package, grand opening window bundle, gift cards, initial order of socks for sale, 15 examples of wristbands, and more.
Our team of trainers will come to your site to train your employees in preparation of your grand opening. In addition, we offer ongoing training and support, and are constantly testing new and fun ideas at our corporate shops. Our yearly franchisee convention is a great asset to Luv two Play owners too.
You will get a franchise discount on your playground equipment. We have worked with sellers and set up accounts to provide you discounts on items such as Coca Cola, outside sign, kitchen equipment, etc..
In the end, our years of expertise in the industry will help you succeed. We have been through it all with enormous amounts of success as well as trial and error. If this sounds like the ideal match for you, please see our website at
By going the independent route, you will be on your own during the process. IPI will still assist you in designing, shipping, and installing your custom indoor park. You won't be asked to pay a franchise fee or royalties, however. This is a good solution for people who are adept in choosing places, negotiating leases, as well as understand and have vast experience in the design and construction industry.
Whatever course you choose to choose, we welcome you and are eager to be part of your journey to owning your own indoor playground equipment playground enterprise.

How To Teach Indoor Playground

indoor playground equipmentIf you reside in an area such as we do in Western New York (we're in Rochester!) With beautifully warm summers and cold snowy winters, you'll understand your choices for your kid's birthday party are largely dependent on the weather.
As an August baby, we always had small family parties outside at my residence. But, with sons born in November and March, we are constantly left to book an indoor place for their parties, if we decided to have them that year. While those with kids with summer birthdays might appear blessed to have numerous choices at their disposal, it may also often feel overwhelming.
While in Climbing Vines Cafe and Play we might be biased since we sponsor indoor celebrations, I wanted to share with you the 5 most common reasons we hear from past party customers to book indoor summer evenings with us. To these, the stress-free temperament of the indoor summer celebration is a no-brainer, and they are not looking back! After their first indoor playground equipment summer celebration , they continue hosting with us year after year.

The most common cause for a customer to reserve a summer indoor party with us is they do not have to stem the weather prediction for updates in the weeks leading up to the party. Nothing can derail a pleasure party quicker than having to cram all of your visitors within your home, waiting for a storm to pass. And if you've ever had to cancel or postpone your child's birthday due to weather, you know how heartbreaking that could be.
We get dozens of calls every summer a few days before somebody's outdoor party is supposed to happen to find out if we've got an open slot for them in our indoor party place due to weather woes. We can usually pull off this if the place remains open, but hosts will unfortunately need to starve and allow all their guests know of the change in venue and probably shift in time, and change all of their catering orders to accommodate their new party plan.
While of course rain is most probably the biggest obstacle you may face, extreme heat, unseasonably cool weather, and wind may also pose problems to your decorations, food, and your guests' possessions. You will likely end up investing in a tent another weather barrier simply to ease your mind a bit, which can be costly and take a great deal of precious time to set up and take down. I will not even tell the narrative of this time my Dad put up a tent for a party in a windstorm and wound up with a insurance coverage for 4 ruined cars when it blew away (weights and anchors and all!) ...

Besides the obvious weather concerns it's possible to avoid with an indoor party, there may also just be something really simple and lovely about an indoor summer party. Guests will not need to worry about bringing sunscreen and towels and sunglasses and swimsuits and changes of clothing and bug spray... you understand.
Sometimes it's nice to have a brief break from the outside, sip coffee in an air borne cafe, also have a real conversation with other adults while the children play, rather than chasing children around trying to receive their fur on them or keeping them away from your in-ground pool. I am not sure about you, but I can never quite relax at an outdoor summer birthday celebration with a two and a 4 year-old. While they sure do have a good time running around, we typically leave at a daze or with a tantrum, unsure whether we had the time to chat or check in with everyone.
While I absolutely adore a good barbecue or summer grilling extravaganza, I find it refreshing when we can take a rest from the same-old backyard bash and spend a couple of hours in a relaxing, cool, and most significantly -- included! -- air.
It's also freeing as a guest to have the rest of the day to do as we wish as a family, not have to worry about getting the kids to a tub right after the celebration or stopping home to cool off and change clothing.
I guarantee that if you reserve an indoor celebration for your son or daughter, guests (particularly family) might appear a bit confused at first (why not take advantage of the summer weather while we can, right?) But after hosting countless indoor parties I will tell you for certain that on the day-of, you and your guests will realize how nice it is to kick back within an air-conditioned private celebration for a couple hours.

Speaking of how relaxing a indoor, air-conditioned party could be, how can we discuss food for a second? Not only are food options limited with an outdoor celebration due to heat, but it can be hard to keep food covered and keep the bugs, bees, and other debris off.
Therefore, for our loved ones, the meals factor alone would be sufficient to justify an indoor party.
Eating in peace without having to find colour or a seat or a location away from bugs is one of these things you don't realize can be so glorious until you attend your fourth or fifth outdoor summer gathering and after that get a rest from them. One of the most common things we hear is how fine it is to just sit and eat and see the kiddos play with no any other venue-related cares or concerns. This is going to be particularly important if you are going to be needing older family members attend who will battle with being mobile in the sand or marijuana and locating seating at outdoor parties.

While party aesthetic might not be a determining factor for every household, it sure is much simpler to create a themed extravaganza which lights a child's face up when the party's inside. The decorations required are often less because the area is smaller and included contained, and you won't need to be concerned about balloons and streamers blowing all about or securing table covers down.
Because we do host mobile events outside at Climbing Vines Cafe and Play, I will also speak from experience when I say the time it takes to install (and take down!) Decorations for an outdoor party compared to an indoor party generally ends up being double. Finding good places to hang banner, needing two people to maintain and secure everything, and finding weights or other restraints for everything may be a genuine hassle on party day.
And you will have enough to worry about this afternoon, right?
Also, if your pinterest planks are full of cute centerpieces, a candy bar, or anything that may be affected by wind (or attract bees!) You will likely have to restrategize for an outdoor soiree.
Not to mention decoration typically can only be utilized once if used outside, but repurposed again and if used for an indoor event. Our guests that sponsor indoor occasions, notably those who invested significant money into decoration or labored hard to create their own, are very happy to find they could usually make a huge chunk of their cash back by reselling their supplies on something like Facebook Marketplace.

Speaking of money, probably the biggest misconception I hear from clients is that they want to host a party in their home to save the rental fee of an indoor space. I generally laugh at this because it makes great sense, in other words, if you have never hosted an outside party.
With all of the"extras" like tents, chair rentals, additional decorations, weather reinforcements, clean-up provides, games and activities for your children (which you won't have to supply at a play area!) It is very likely you are going to end up spending MUCH more hosting a celebration at your house or an outdoor place than you'd inside.
I am not sure how other indoor spaces manage their equipment, but we only charge guests to get additional drinks and provides and such on the day of the party if they wind up needing them, and we also allow parties to attract in their OWN food, dessert, and decor if they choose!
Money aside, spending countless hours cleaning before, during, and following the party may also have a toll. Would not it be wonderful to walk into a sparkling clean area and leave with your guests when the party's over, not having to be concerned about the cleanup, garbage removal, tent teardown, etc?
You can just head home and relax with your loved ones (yes, maybe outside!) In a nice clean home that was not just trampled by party guests and all of their sand, grass, and sunscreen.
Along with the time spent cleaning before and after the party, would not it ALSO be wonderful to not have to play"server" during the event? Even for clients that bring in their own food and decor, our dedicated celebration assistants set everything up, refill and fix food and beverages as necessary, clear plates, cut and serve the cake, and then package up all of the leftovers in the end of the celebration!
In the end, it is your child's special day and you wish to spend those precious hours making memories and seeing along with your guests-- not running around chasing your decorations or refilling the fruit bowl innumerable times.
So save everyone (and especially your family!) We would be honored to offer you an easy, enjoyable experience which will leave your entire guest list feeling refreshed, grateful, and filled with love after spending a relaxing (yet fun-filled!) day together.

3 Places To Look For A VR Games

Throughout the previous few years, we've seen a plethora of news posts about how virtual reality was about to save the timeless arcade. The theory goes that the VR indoor playground equipment is too expensive for home users, therefore it creates an opportunity for operators to pony up the big dollars to purchase it and make their money back by charging per match to play it. Even Nolan Bushnell, the inventor of Pong, is attempting to hype the tech since the industry's savior.
"While several high-end cans were released last year that can bring virtual-reality adventures to your living room, adoption of the technology is still in its earliest days for a lot of reasons--it's still bulky, expensive, and there is not all that much to do as soon as you've got it on your face. Over two million headsets were shipped globally in 2016, according to an estimate from market researcher Canalys, but this figure pales compared to the prevalence of, say, video game consoles (sales of their leading one, Sony's PS4, topped six million during the 2016 holiday season ). Consumer virtual reality will likely catch on as costs come down and cans improve. Meanwhile, though, a variety of companies are betting that consumers may be happy to pay a much smaller sum to try the tech with their friends at, say, an arcade, theme park, or bowling alley."
It's tempting to dive into this trap, but in the operator's standpoint VR is a terrible deal. Aside from buying a brand-new vehicle and driving it a mile, I can't think of a way you could eliminate money faster between what you pay and what you will be able to get for it down the street.
Another limitation for operators is that while you may be able to provide a space for VR people to roam around in today, as fresh VR tech is introduced, we're likely to find the stage expanded from 100 square feet to the entire world. Instead of viewing just the matches in your headset, you'll see the real world with game play overlayed. Kids can visit the park and relive the knights of the round table or parking garages to take aliens. As the technology allows more real world places to be researched, it is going to make a cramped arcade look fairly lame in comparison.
VR is already heading for mass market acceptance, however it's demand isn't being driven by players who want to pay big buck to play video games, but such as the BETAMAX that came before it, by people who want to watch pornography in their homes.
Even if an operator can make just a bit of money for the upcoming few decades, once VR achieves critical mass, it is going to crush whatever revenue flow that operators are dreaming of. Do not believe me? Just check out what is happening in China.
This past year, an eye popping 35,000 virtual reality arcades opened in China. A year after 22,000 of these have closed.
This is an incredible failure rate over this brief period of time and one which should serve as a sharp warning to anyone considering investing in the VR games. Perhaps Dave and Busters can afford to take losses over the matches more than Chinese startup arcades, however I doubt most North American operators are going to fare far better using the technology in their match rooms and will only wind up in debt in the end of the day.
The issue essentially boils down to consumers not being prepared to pay a premium to the experience. Tech In Asia, describes the issue perfectly in their article, on that the Chinese VR boom and bust.

indoor playground equipment"Enterprising shop owners leaping into VR are finding it impossible to charge fees akin to cinemas or bowling alleys to get a VR experience. One VR arcade owner told iHeima that he saw excited queues when charging US$1.50 to get a 30-minute session, but everybody disappeared as it rose to US$5. By that sort of revenue it's impossible to pay the lease."
Even if the match was sold out daily, at $1.50 a half hour they're only earning $30 per day. With retail rents in North America running $1 -- $2 a square foot, there is no way to make the math work, even if you assume that Americans will spend more to play with the games.
The real world information streaming in from China must function as a canary in the quarter plantations of North America. Operators who invest large amounts of money on fancy VR setups will soon find their small VR rooms being replaced by the entire world for a stage. Since the setups get cheaper, smaller and more mobile, the virtual arcades will seem more expensive, bulky and limited.